Buryad independence committee

On July 3, 2023 in the “capital of the world”, New York,

the Buryads, supporters of Buryad independence,

the leaders of the Buryad socio-political organizations, such as

Congress of Buryad nation
(Vladimir Khamutaev and others),

"Erkheten" movement
(Radzhana Dugar-De Ponte and others),

"Tusgaar Buryad Mongol Ulas" movement
(Marina Khankhalaeva and others),

Mongolian Information Centre
(Purbo Dambiev and others),

with video participation of Buryads and supporters of Russian decolonization from all over the world,
convened the Congress of Buryad political organizations for the independence of Buryad Ulas,
at which they discussed the Tragedy of the Buryad people over the centuries of

Russian occupation and oppression, as well as

bloody anti-Ukrainian war,

The richest mineral resources of the Republic do not serve it and its people, but are being plundered by Putin and the clique.
Instead of developing, the Buryad language was expelled from the education system of “their Republic”.
The Buryad Autonomous Okrugs are deprived of autonomy, and deprived of patronage from their Republic,
its creative and scientific potential, they are now rapidly degrading and assimilating in the Russian region and region. This is a malicious act of the racist regime.

The population of Buryad Republic, de facto abandoned to the mercy of fate by the puppet regime, is impoverished and marginalized, as exemplified by participation in criminal wars for money. Thousands of Buryad families are divided due to the flight of men from conscription, thousands of families are in a hopeless situation - from unemployment, from lack of money, from conscription for war.

Putin and his lackeys in Buryadia are pursuing a policy of de-ethnicization and marginalization of the Buryads. As a result, we, the Buryad-Mongols, are today placed at the last stage - dissolution, de-ethnicization. It makes no sense to appeal for help to those who are interested in our complete assimilation and Russification, in the elimination of the national characteristics of the Buryad-Mongols.
Russia has not succeeded as a state; it is Muscovy, which robs all non-Russian peoples and their mineral resources. Almost all non-Russian communities of Russia are in a deplorable situation, so we appeal to their political institutions with a call to stand together against this inhuman racist great power militant Putin clique of “hawks”, to join the League of Free Nations in order to jointly achieve recognition by the world community - represented by the UN - the independence of our republics and autonomies.
We, the Buryads, appeal to the UN, to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, to accept us, representatives of a number of peoples and public organizations in the League of Free Nations, in order to jointly draw up a plan of measures necessary to implement the basic principle of international law - the right of nations to self-determination, to recognize the rights of peoples to decolonization and independence, to decolonize this unreformed Russia, which has become a threat to the whole world and a sponsor of terrorism.
The national question of the peoples enslaved by Russia - their right to self-determination and independence from the Kremlin - should become the main agenda of the UN, heard on all continents from all platforms of international organizations and national states.
The tragedies of non-Russian people are the “Achilles heel” of Putin’s Russia.
The whole world must hear from us, the indigenous and enslaved peoples,

what an evil monster Russia was and is, and support us with a united front.

Putin and his “crooked team”, having begun to shamefully lose to the Defence Forces of Ukraine, are trying to make the face of their brutal war...Asians: Buryads, Yakuts, Tuvans and others, that it is “people of non-Russian tradition and culture who brutally kill, rob and rape - non-Russian people do this.”
We declare: this is a centuries-old methodological technique of the Russian aggressors -
having lost, distort all the facts of the loss. FSB ideologists are now vehemently broadcasting on all TV and social networks that the wild Buryads, due to their monstrous poverty, have invaded Ukraine in wild gangs and are robbing everything, raping everyone, because they “don’t care who they rape”, that the Buryads and Mongols are the descendants of a cruel Hordes.
Unfortunately, many Ukrainians carry within themselves the heavy legacy of the “soviet” - the Soviet man (essentially an imperialist and a racist), and are “led” by this myth about a horde of savages, now being introduced by the KGB, and thereby erode the united front of the fight against Russian imperialism, becoming on the side of the “Slavic civilization”, i.e. they extend their hand to the Russian aggressors as Slavic brothers.
Meanwhile, we must remember that it was Mongolia that gave the world the prototype of the first Constitution Genghis Khan´s Yasa;
-the first legislative separation of secular and religious authorities;
-the world's first legal rule on the equality of all faiths and their equal equidistance from state power;
-the world's first tax of 10% on all individuals and legal entities;
-the first transcontinental postal-yam communication, sending the European pigeon post into history;
-the first writing of Eurasian history with geography, that is, the history of hundreds (!) of the peoples of Eurasia.
Thanks to the dictatorship of Yasa, which punished interethnic, interreligious, interracial squabbles and wars and exempted religious figures from taxes, culture, architecture, writing, trade and the economy flourished. In a vast space from the Yellow Sea to the Adriatic, the cities of the “Golden Ring” first flourished in Muscovy and other places.
Today's Mongolia has become one of the leading countries in terms of the index of democracy and human rights, in a short period of flight from the communist imperial reins of the Kremlin.
According to the forecasts of world economists, in 40-50 years Mongolia with its enormous historical and modern potential for working with society will be the new “Asian dragon”.
Therefore, we call on the authorities and people of Ukraine to put an end to manifestations of the racist approach towards Buryads and other Asians by jingoists and to concentrate on our common bright values of decolonization of Russia.




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